Actually, I'm avoiding the usual evangelical publishers, mostly because those books focus on individuals or families rather than on wider-scale issues. I've looked at some of the big sellers, and climate isn't a blip on their radar.
On the other hand, I'm looking for traditional religious connections rather than new or speculative religions (e.g. Octavia Butler). So Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, etc.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 3:00 PM Lesley K <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
By "religious" do you mean specifically books that those who prefer titles put out by members of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association (e.g. Tyndale, Zondervan) would enjoy - i.e., that is usually classified as "Christian fiction" or "Inspirational fiction" -- or just climate fiction that has any sort of spiritual or faith-based aspect to it?

If you mean the former, a great number of those authors would be disqualified.

On Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 1:26 PM Laura Yordy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello, I'm new to this listserve, but I've been told that if a thing is knowable, it will be known by you all. So:

I'm looking for recent climate fiction (cli-fi) by religious authors, especially Christian, especially non-dystopian.

The possibles I've found so far (out of about 350 possible authors) are below. Can anyone add to the list, or indicate which ones don't qualify? Thank you so much!

Michael Arditti
Julia Alvarez
Sarah Blake
Henry Brinton
Guy Dauncy
Michael James Emberger
Marek Friedl
Will Hobbs
Alexander Kluge
Kathryn Lasky
Jim Laughter
Lee Tosca
Marissa Lingen
Jon McGregor
Bill McKibben
Jenny Offill
Louise Penny
Neal Shusterman
Alexis M. Smith
Ali Smith
David Williams
Paul J. Willis
Gene Wolfe


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