Thank you so much, Todd!!!


On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 5:45 PM Todd Mason <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
If you like Douglas Adams's sfnal humor, it's a good shot you'll like Sheckley's and Harrison's, too. I'd also recommend John Sladek, Kit Reed (some more lighthearted, some very gallows-humor), and anthologies such as Robert Silverberg's INFINITE JESTS. Like Adams (and Vonnegut), usually some seriousness underlies the humor in the work of all of them, but it doesn't spoil the fun. And Pratchett is perhaps the only fantastica humorist in the UK to have consistently outsold Adams in recent decades. And...
Robert Benchley and Dorothy Parker, Jean Kerr and Stephen Leacock for some of the classics.

Shall mull about this some more, as I see a number of folks have chimed in.
A lot of my favorite funny writers are only Sometimes funny, by intent, such as Joanna Russ, Avram Davidson, Barry Malzberg, Roxanne Gay, Muriel Spark, Shirley Jackson, Ambrose Bierce. Certainly Samuel Clemens.

If you love THE GREAT RACE, also such near-contemporaries as THOSE DARING YOUNG MEN IN THEIR JAUNTY JALOPIES (clearly made to cash in, but I was fond of it as a child) or IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD?



On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 12:07 PM Diana Tallent <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Thank you so much, Dennis! Copying and pasting it all!!!


On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 11:04 AM d-lien University of Minnesota <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
An older humor favorite of mine is BAREFOOT BOY WITH CHEEK by Max Shulman.

Older but less so:  BILL, THE GALACTIC HERO by Harry Harrison, or
almost anything by Robert Sheckley or, of course, Terry Pratchett.

Dennis Lien // (retired from) U of Minnesota Libraries // [log in to unmask]

On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 10:50 AM Diana Tallent <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi ya'll!
> In 26 days, and maybe sooner, if I'm lucky/on top of things, I will turn in my final assignment for my MLIS program at SJSU. (*knocks on wood) At that point, I would like to decompress by spending some time reading and watching fun, funny books and movies, so I am here asking you if you would please recommend your favorite humorous book(s) or movies (or podcasts or whatever), if you're so inclined. All formats and genres are fair game.
> In case you're wondering about titles I have found amusing, some that have tickled my funny bone are:
> Books:
> The Hitchhiker's Guide series by Douglas Adams
> Welcome to Nightvale by Joseph Fink
> So Lucky by Dawn O'Porter
> Movies:
> Liar Liar
> Mrs. Doubtfire
> The Great Race — my all-time favorite comedy movie which I quote with my family and re-watch regularly. If you haven't seen it, run to request a copy via ILL if you can find it or watch it on Prime Video or purchase it on Amazon
> I know I can Google it, and I have, but I am interested in what you all may come up with that doesn't show up on the usual lists.
> Thank you in advance!!! 🙂
> ~Diana
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