Stefan R. Dziemianowicz notes (on Twitter) in response to this entry being posted there, that he's a fan of this book and her other work in the series. (includes brief review and jacket imagery)

The slightly less rough currently-posted TOC: 
· The Thing in the Forest · A. S. Byatt · nv The New Yorker June 3 2002
43 * Young Goodman Brown · Nathaniel Hawthorne · ss The New-England Magazine April 1835, as by The Author of “The Gray Champion”
63 * Troll Bridge · Neil Gaiman · ss Snow White, Blood Red ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Morrow AvoNova, 1993
79 * The Poacher  Ursula K. Le Guin · ss Xanadu ed. Jane Yolen & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor, 1993 (name given as "LeGuin" throughout text, except in the acknowledgments)
101 * The Sailor-Boy’s Tale ·  "Isak Dinesen" (Karen Blixen, nee Dinesen)  · ss Winter’s Tales by Isak Dinesen, Putnam, 1942
117  * The Bottle Imp · Robert Louis Stevenson · nv New York Herald February 8 1891-March 1 1891
155 * The Industrious Tailor * William Maxwell (1908-2000) * ss apparently first published as part of a group of "Improvisations" in All the Days and Nights: Collected Stories (Knopf 1994)
167 * The Dragon * Vladimir Nabokov; translated by Dmitri Nabokov · ss 1924; apparently first published in English in The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (Knopf 1995)
177 * Night: A Nightmare * Guy de Maupassant · ss (in translation: That Pig Morin and Other Stories, Knopf 1923; apparently translated by Ernest Boyd, as in the story's title page here, though the book's translations apparently initially credited to Storm Jameson) originally “La Nuit”, Gil Blas, June 14, 1887
185 * Where the Tides Ebb and Flow · Lord Dunsany · ss Saturday Review (UK) May 2 1908, as “The Terrible Dream”
193 * The Night Face Up · Julio Cortázar; translated by Paul Blackburn · ss The New Yorker April 22 1967; dated 1956, the original text's year of publication in Final del juego ("End of the Game") by Mexican publisher Los Presentes, as <<La noche boca arriba>> (literally, "The night mouth above", but properly as translated, in context); in English, End of the Game and Other Stories (Cortázar/Blackburn) published by Random House, 1967
207 * An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge · Ambrose Bierce · ss San Francisco Examiner July 13 1890
222 * The Country of the Blind · H. G. Wells · nv The Strand Magazine April 1904
253 * The Legend of Sleepy Hollow · Washington Irving · nv The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent #6, March 15 1820, as by Geoffrey Crayon
291 * The Curious Case of Benjamin Button · F. Scott Fitzgerald · nv Collier’s May 27 1922
325 * A Visit · Steven Millhauser · ss The New Yorker August 25/September 1 1997
343 * The Tiger's Bride * Angela Carter * ss apparently first in The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter, Gollancz, 1979
369 * The Dancing Dwarf * Haruki Murakami * nv in Japanese in Shinchō ("New Tide") magazine January 1984; translated by Jay Rubin, apparently first published in English in The Elephant Vanishes, a collection, Knopf 1993
397 * Acknowledgments * Anon.
--index derived in large part from The FictionMags Index and ISFDB citations.


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